Monday 12 March 2007

The story so far - 10 Minutes to 3 Months

As promised, here a few shots from George's first few months. Apologies for the poor quality of most, our wee camera is built for mobility rather than fidelity.
10 mins old - "You'd look grumpy too if you'd done what I just had to!"

Knackered but Proud - I don't believe he was ever that small!

"Who woke me up? Eh??"

Necking a bottle. He's a Scott alright...

I dare you to look at the above for 10 seconds and not smirk. Go on, I dare you!

The first of his many "I'm a smidge excited" faces

"Yeah, yeah in a minute....I'll just ...have a ...quick...zzzzzzzzzzzz"

A smile! A proper one!

Well, don't we all.

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